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Health Health Starts from Rs.-2.00

ALMAGIA International®


The company ALMAGIA International® was formed in the beginning of 2008 by Yelena Pukhovitskaya, who has spent her entire career working as a massage therapist. From a humble story about a woman’s illness to the discovery of an effective treatment, ALMAGIA International® was born and is currently selling portable PEMF treatment and thermotherapy devices for medical problems like sinusitis and body pains. These include Almag01, Almag02, Mavit, Feya, Magofon, Polimag 2, and lots more.

In 2006, Yelena Pukhovitskaya became ill and started to experience severe back pain due to a shift in her inter-vertebral discs from working on her feet her entire life. With nothing helping to relieve her pain, Yelena and Robert started searching for PEMF companies who specialize in magnetic treatment or thermotherapy devices.

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